Hey there!
I’m Trisha Mascarenhas

Welcome to You Do You—where your journey of endless possibilities begins.

Here, we ignite your curiosity, encourage you to challenge the limits, and invite you to live a life of true freedom and deep fulfilment, beyond the horizon of the “conventional life” society has laid out for you.

In a world filled with predefined paths and rigid expectations, it's easy to feel confined by a life that seems laid out before you. Get married and have kids by 30, secure the “right” corporate job, strive for a 6-figure salary, the perfect condominium and so on.

Bombarded with incessant "shoulds" and "musts," the true essence of who you are can become muffled under the weight of societal roles that restrict rather than release. At YDY, we break free from these constraints by activating the extraordinary authenticity within yourself and allowing you to explore, connect, and embrace their true selves - invigorating the freedom to define your own destiny.

About me

Hey there! I’m Trish and my story is all about defying the norm. Growing up, I was far from the “ideal” girl my parents and society wanted or expected me to be. I wasn’t the calm, poised, feminine type my parents and society expected. Instead, I was fiery, emotional, and passionately opinionated about everything.

While everyone around me was busy checking off the boxes—study hard, get into the right school with the right degree (I wanted to be an environmentalist, of all things), land the perfect job, find a partner, and settle down (preferably before you’re 30)—I was busy determined to break out of these boxes.

I kept being fed the same narrative on “how to live a successful and happy life”, like its a rulebook I must follow but I hated the idea of living life according to someone else’s script.

Being told how to live made me feel trapped and infuriated. The thought of a boring, conventional life scared me more than anything. I wanted to live a life that was uniquely mine and to empower others to do the same.

That’s why I created You Do You—a place where people who defy societal norms can come together and thrive. Here, we celebrate individuality and provide programs and workshops to help you pursue your true passions and dreams. Our community is a safe space for sharing experiences, receiving constructive feedback, and celebrating successes with others who share your goals and challenges.

Join us, and let’s break out of those boxes and live life on our own terms!